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#11.5 Team Roping

Feb. 16, 2024 | Time: 10 AM | Freeman Coliseum


What Is Team Roping?

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Team roping, the only true team event, requires close cooperation and timing between two highly skilled ropers - a header and a heeler - and their horses. The event originated on ranches when cowboys needed to treat or brand large steers and the task proved too difficult for one man. The header ropes first and must make one of three legal catches on the steer — around both horns, around one horn and the head or around the neck. Any other catch by the header is considered illegal and the team is disqualified. After the header makes his catch, he turns the steer to the left and exposes the steer's hind legs to the heeler. The heeler then attempts to rope both hind legs. If he catches only one foot, the team is assessed a five-second penalty. After the cowboys catch the steer, the clock is stopped when there is no slack in their ropes and their horses face one another.

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For questions or more information, please contact the Horse Show Office by calling 210-225-1309 or by emailing horse@sarodeo.com.
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